The US ProMiniGolf Association (USPMGA)
Today I learned: 1) There’s such a thing as the United States Pro Mini Golf Association (USPMGA). 2) Professional mini golf isn’t just a quirky, US-only thing: it’s a worldwide phenomenon. The USPMGA is a subsidiary of the World Mini Golf Sports Federation (WMSF). 3) In my younger days, I actually shanked a few balls into the water at Hawaiian Rumble Mini Golf in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I never realized that Hawaiian Rumble is an officially sanctioned, USPMGA-approved mini golf course, widely considered to be one of the world's best. 4) Both the USPMGA and the WMSF sponsor regular tournaments, in both the “Open” and “Masters” categories. For 2018, the USPMGA Master’s tournament boasts a $20,000 cash purse. 5) In light of these facts, it’s pretty obvious that I…