When it comes to the Dark Continent, basically everything has the potential to be an adventure. A simple chore like grocery shopping can involve taking your life into your own hands, dodging reckless minibus taxis on your way to the market. And even my own hobby of used book hunting— normally a tame endeavor— is anything but boring.
Recently, while spending some time in the sprawling metropolis of Johannesburg, South Africa, I learned that the largest used book store in all of Africa— and possibly the largest used book store in the entire southern hemisphere— was located just a few miles away. Naturally, I just had to mount an expedition to go visit.
Collector’s Treasury is a towering building in the heart of Johannesburg’s Central Business District, a section of town which has… ahem… seen better days. When we arrived and the owner graciously stepped out to open a secure parking lot across the street, I was thankful that we’d thought to call ahead. I mean, if we’d tried to find a spot on our own, I’m not certain if the car would’ve still been there when we got back.

Undaunted by the rough neighborhood, however, we gamely stepped through the grated security door… and entered a book lover’s paradise.
Immediately, it was clear that this shop was not for the mobility impaired! Stacks of books crowded out onto the staircase, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, with only a narrow footpath left clear. Ascending to the first floor, we were greeted by the owners, a pair of friendly gentlemen who warmly welcomed us to their shop. And after a brief orientation, we were turned loose, free to wander at will throughout this most “unique” bookstore.

We spent the next two hours in a state of disbelief, wedging ourselves through the overflowing stacks, and picking our way down an endless number of narrow aisles. After exploring the first floor— an absolute mishmash of antiques, records, old maps, drawings and paintings— we made our way carefully down to the basement, to the real treasure trove of used books.

Despite the fact that all those piles of books really were organized by subject, I still got the impression that it would’ve been impossible to browse through the basement in any organized fashion. As one of the owners cautioned, it’s best not to go looking for a specific book in Collector’s Treasury; rather, you have to be open-minded, and allow the right book to find you. But even among all those out-of-print titles, special-interest tomes, and the thousands of collectible first editions, I actually did manage to fill a bag full of books while still staying within my budget.

Collector’s Treasury fills an entire office tower, but even after a full morning, we’d only managed to explore the two lowest levels. Clearly, another visit is in order— so the next time I summon up the courage to venture down into Johannesburg’s CBD, Collector’s Treasury is sure to be my first stop.